
Orcha – Office lifestyle photography

Orcha (the Organisation for the Review of Care and Health Apps) found themselves in need of photography content for their website and social media and so commissioned me to do two half days of photography. They had just moved into their new offices which were modern with some lovely features and lots of big windows.

I worked with Lucia, from Orcha, to create office lifestyle photography images of staff working together and collaborating. Lucia had lots of ideas and had asked all the staff to come into the office so that we had plenty of people to participate in the photoshoot. I had requested that people avoid wearing dark colours as that can often make the images ‘dark and heavy’ looking instead of the bright and modern they were hoping to achieve.

A lot of these shots were set up to look natural. I would pick an area that I thought was aesthetic or had an aesthetic background and then would bring people in to create a scenario. Firing a light a the ceiling often creates that ‘natural light’ look and cleans an image up to look fresh and bright. Propping the scene to look natural and then helping people to feel comfortable and relaxed before giving them lots of direction.

I also kept my eye out for little set ups that were happening naturally and then would start photographing them with a minimum of direction and interference. Both ways can work well.

We also photographed people using the apps and patient / clinician scenarios. We managed to have two very productive sessions and created a lot of content for the website.