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March '24

I recently found myself in a Manchester studio surrounded by some of the top scientists in the UK Nuclear industry. SMRS were driving a campaign to highlight the careers available at the National Nuclear Laboratory. Working alongside videographers, Thunder & Lightning, my part was to create portraits of the scientists. These would later be stylised and used on NNL’s website and social media sites. I was initially worried that scientists might not be naturally at ease in front of the camera, but I was quite wrong and I met lots of big characters. Someone nearly choked on their lunch and was heroically saved by the sound man John, doing the Heimlich manoeuvre!  It’s never dull on my photoshoots…

March '24 news, National Nuclear Laboratory

I spent a few days with Manchester Fertility Clinic renewing their portraits for all the staff. We wanted to create a friendly but professional feel as well as get a consistent look across the whole company.  Clara from MFC worked tirelessly organising the photoshoot and kept everything running smoothly. We went on to do a few lifestyle images around the site reflecting the friendly, warm and caring atmosphere.

Manchester Fertility Clinic headshots photography

This seems to be a science-themed newsletter this month with my next visit to Orcha in Cheshire.  Orcha (the Organisation for the Review of Care and Health Apps) found themselves in need of photography content for their website. They had just moved into new lovely offices. I worked with Lucia, from Orcha, to create office lifestyle images of staff working together and collaborating.  This shoot was a mixture of seeing a situation that was happening naturally, adding lighting and a little bit of direction and also orchestrating whole situations to look natural.  I’ve created a case study here about this office lifestyle photoshoot.

Orcha lifestyle office photography shoot

Lastly, one of my regular visits to MCS in Cheshire to keep their headshots up to date.  I love this blue background – I think it looks very modern and distinctive and it’s a nice change from white or grey.  The MCS people are always a joy to work with and I look forward to my visits.

MCS Cheshire headshots photography

That’s everything for now – the next one will be along in April.

Bye for now – Claire.

Recent News

October 24 News

Last October found me loitering in parks, looking rather suspicious with my camera on a tripod pointing at nothing, whilst I waited for my next person to arrive for their headshot. Fortunately it wasn’t long, as there were plenty of people to photograph for Gillespies - (landscape architects, master planners, and urban designers).

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September ’24 News

This was a really fun shoot with Marie Thom for Good Housekeeping magazine entitled ‘In my experience - Midlife dramas in pyjamas’. Marie made myself and make up artist Charlotte really welcome. I set up a little ‘photo booth’ in her front room and started unpacking all of the fab props sent by the magazine.

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July ’24 News

Off to Peterborough, to visit the home of the famous Sergi for a Compare the Market photoshoot with SMRS. The main part of the shoot involved setting up a studio with a white background and photographing our volunteers separately and then interacting with each other to be used in a recruitment campaign.

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June ’24 News

I really enjoyed photographing Christine and her garden for WI Life magazine. She’s a lovely lady who clearly loves her gardening. There were so many fun things to discover like the ‘green lady’ and the signs made out of broken tiles, the birdhouses and the vegetable patch

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May ’24 News

I travelled to Essen in Germany with SMRS for a commercial photoshoot for RWE.  RWE is a multinational energy company that generates and trades electricity across the world.  This photography was all about what makes RWE a great place to work.

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